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You'll get an enrollment email within a few minutes!

a girl points her wathes
  • Almost there! We're running an automated verification process in the background to make sure your business email is valid. You'll receive an email with a magic link within a few minutes to the email address you provided.
  • If accepted, follow the link in the email to access your new Plannet account!

What happens after you sign up?

excited man looks at his laptop
  • We'll verify that you/your organization qualifies for access to our exclusive platform.
  • You'll receive an email with an invitation link.
  • Once you're signed in, you can add additional team members / travelers.
  • You can start booking, saving and enjoying Plannet for Business convenient travel management tools right away.

What will NOT happen after you sign up?

girl with finger up
  • You won't be charged anything — Plannet for Business is free to use.
  • You won't be locked into a contract. Use our platform as you please.
  • You won't be required to meet minimums. Book as much or as little as you need.
  • You won't be harassed with endless emails or sales calls. We'll occasionally reach out with important information about the platform, but we don't believe in spamming our customers.

Have more questions?

Speak to a representative via phone or live chat.

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Member Support

+1 (917) 932-2005